Why do certain people skip breakfast?
Common reasons are:
- I don't feel like anything and I do not know what to eat.
Now you have no excuses; you have a list of easy and quick recipes. I would be surprised if you cannot find what suits you.
- I don't have the time.
Between you and me, you can find the courage to wake up 25 minutes earlier! Do you really think you will be less tired at 7.15 than 7.00? It is not an excuse. Besides, you can prepare in advance the evening before, so that you would only have to warm up your drink in the morning. And if you really really cannot do this, make yourself a milkshake, easy to make and to drink!
- I am not hungry.
It can happen that certain persons are not hungry when they wake up. If it is the case for you, drink a big glass of water, a fruit juice or a warm drink and get ready. Usually hunger comes later and you can eat before leaving.