Kousmine's budwig

Doctor Kousmine (born in switzerland), has spent her life working in the medical research. She particularly worked on cancer and its prevention. She recommends a diet rich in cereals, raw food and essential fatty acids.
Her budwig mixture has become famous. It provides proteins (cottage cheese), carbohydrates (cereals and banana), essential fatty acids (flaxseed oil) and vitamine C (lemon juice).

Goes well with a light tea or herbal tea.

Recipe (1 serving)
2 tsp. flaxseed oil
4 tsp. cottage cheese
Juice of one lemon
1 ripe banana smashed or honey
1 à 2 tsp. nuts ground
2 tsp. cereals ground
Fresh fruits of the season chopped

Beat the cottage cheese and the oil with a fork or in a blender. The mixture must be white. Add all the other ingredients.

Nutritional values per serving
11 g
26 g
60 g
109 mg
2 mg
1.5 mg

Realized by Laurence LIVERNAIS-SAETTEL, dietetian
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