Advantages of breakfast

It is the first meal of the day. It will BREAK the FAST of the night. About ten hours went without any food, but if you slept your body stayed in activity. While you were at rest, your organs burnt 500 to 600 kilocalories. You need those back to start a new day in a good shape.

Breakfast must provide 25% of your daily calorie intake, which is 400 to 550 kcal for kids, women and female teenagers, and up to 670 kcal for men and male teenagers. Intakes are greater for those doing sports.

Skipping breakfast means that those calories will need to be spread out over the entire day, either during the remaining two meals or as snacks. This means a dietary unbalance, and possibly some overweight.

Moreover, an empty stomach cannot provide the energy necessary for an efficient morning. Around 10-11 o'clock, fatigue and hunger prevents concentration. This was observed in schools, where kids who did not eat breakfast are a lot less focused at the end of the morning than those who had breakfast.

Do not belong to the 20% of the French population who do not eat for breakfast. Take time to cook a small meal, to eat at the table with your family. Put the alarm a few minutes earlier, and even if it is hard your body will give it back to you.

Realized by Laurence LIVERNAIS-SAETTEL, dietetian
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